
Showing posts from December, 2022

How to Use Aloe Vera for Scalp Benefits & Hair Growth

Did you know that the miraculous plant aloe vera offers a plethora of advantages for your hair? Yes, aloe vera has established itself as a valuable component in the skincare business and has also shown to be beneficial for hair health. We discuss all of the advantages of aloe vera for hair in this post, as well as how to use it to promote hair development. What Benefits Does Aloe Vera Have For Hair? A succulent plant with spiky leaves that contains a nutrient-rich gel is called aloe vera. Your scalp and hair can benefit from this gel's deep nourishing, moisturising, and healing benefits in a variety of ways. Aloe vera also soothes and strengthens the roots of your hair while reducing irritation and inflammation on the scalp. Aloe vera is also user-friendly and suited for all hair types. Aloe vera, popularly known as "Kumari" in Ayurveda, is a tridosha hara plant. It has a great chance of reestablishing harmony amongst the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. If the prope